Predicate Royal
In July 2008, our company was honored with the prestigious Predicate Royal by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, in celebration of our 100-year anniversary in 2006. This occasion led to the renaming of our company as the Royal Kerckhaert Horseshoe Factory, accompanied by the inclusion of the little crown in our logo. To this day, we hold this recognition as a crowning to the excellence of our work.
What is a
Predicate Royal?
The Predicate Royal is an official award that symbolizes respect, appreciation and trust of the royal house. Not every Dutch organization, association, foundation or institution can receive such recognition. The procedure to apply for an honorary title takes about one year.
The predicate Royal was granted to about 150 companies in the Netherlands. Each company was screened in advance by the local and national government. After both authorities gave positive approval the predicate Royal was granted.
To receive the Royal Predicatecompaniesmust meet some criteria:
- - are very important in their field
- - have existed for at least 100 years
- - have at least 100 employees
- - have proven stability and a good financial reputation
- - are not part of a larger group that is already Royal
- - manifest themselves as a Dutch company
a family company since 1906
The Royal Kerckhaert Horseshoe Company was founded in 1906 by great-grandfather Honoré Kerckhaert. The family business was handed down from father to son and has grown internationally over the years from its base in Zeeland (NL) to become the largest independent horseshoe manufacturer in the world.