Kerckhaert Horseshoes
More than a horseshoe...
At Kerckhaert a horseshoe is never just a horseshoe… It is the embodiment of a vision, a family tradition of four generations innovative horseshoe development. The heart of each horseshoe is still the design of great-grandfather Honoré Kerckhaert.
New techniques, insights and experiences of farriers still give the needed innovations to answer the present and professional demands of the farrier.
Each Kerckhaert horseshoe is designed to give the horse the best care.

The 5 Kerckhaert Q's
5 quality elements that are integrated in all our horseshoe models and make us proud of each horseshoe :

Discover our wide range of all-round horseshoes. By responding to the different shoeing traditions worldwide, you will always find a horseshoe that meets the specific requirements of the professional farrier. Innovative developments enrich the basic models and provide fits that require only minimal adjustments during shoeing.

Every race plate from Kerckhaert is designed, shaped and stamped to provide just the support needed to achieve the ultimate goal: winning races. Four generations of vision, global shoeing traditions and innovative insights into horseshoe design ensure sustainable support for racehorses.Did you know?
That each Kerckhaert Horseshoe must pass 35 quality checks before they go to packaging? Dedicated to excellence is more than a promise!
If you want to deliver quality, you have to work with quality. And Kerckhaert horseshoes are premium quality.
Dirk Jan de Kievit
Farrier | The Netherlands
The DF range is my favourite: good clips, good nail holes, good heel shape. And when you shoe young sport horses, you can fit perfectly cold which is a massive benefit. And then you can introduce the warm shoeing later.
Peter Peers
Farrier | United Kingdom
I love the Extra Sounds, especially with the new pitch. They are just amazing and feet remain really strong afterwards.
Ed O'Shaughnessy A.W.C.F.
Farrier | United Kingdom