Boost your business, build your daily life
Together, we forge the difference. Do you remember? The moment you knew... I'm going to be a farrier! Driven by a passion for the horse and the hoof, you set off with great courage. And you soon realise that craftsmanship goes way beyond delivering quality work to your customer. The business side is just as important.
As a partner, we like to think along with you and together we form a powerful front to face the challenges that come our way worldwide; now more than ever.
3 Business Basics
Three statements, three business basics that challenge you
to take a moment to reflect on your business.
Statement 1
Every one benefits from accurate knowledge and passionate people around them
Besides competence and passion, having a receptive customer base is essential to succeed. Keep working on your knowledge and valuable contacts; a network with the right people can help you do this. Find a coach, surround yourself with passionate colleagues and vets to tune things up and embrace the advice you get. Invest time in clear communication with your client. An intake meeting can solve a lot of misunderstandings. What do you expect from them and what can they expect from you. After all, good agreements make good friends for a long time...

Sharing experience and knowledge is essential. Daring to ask another person for advice or vision can do so much. It makes you think further, can be your missing puzzle piece and provide just the solution you are looking for. The learning, the knowledge that comes from the experience of others past and present, that gives me so much energy and drive."
Rob Renirie
Farrier | The Netherlands

Statement 2
Good hoof care starts with yourself
- A farrier's body is the most valuable and absolute number one tool. Without it, no nipper can work and no horseshoe will get on the hoof. A fit and healthy body is therefore essential to building a sustainable business, and it immediately makes shoeing horses much easier.
Support yourself in your work by using quality products and working with tools made for their purpose. - Get into the habit of taking care of your body. Think about sports, physio, pilates.... Sometimes it seems like a waste of time, but in the long long term, it is one of the best investments in your business

Never underestimate the impact of the work on your body. In the beginning, you will feel strong and go for it. But at some point, pain will come if you don't pay attention. So anticipate and support yourself physically."
Florian Häfner
Editor Farriers Journal | Germany

Statement 3
Good price management and long-term vision gives insight into your business and your future.
Having a clear view of what you spend and what comes in gives clarity and prevents unpleasant surprises. It gives your business a healthy perspective for the future. Long-term thinking can be done in the terms of price management, but also by looking at what is going on in society. You can find a lot of formulas and advice on how to calculate your price. But whatever calculation you make, the amount you get for a shoeing should always cover these 4 categories:

Payment of all your expenses
The price for each shoeing must include all materials. Think about horseshoes, tools, petrol, insurance, a etalingen furnishing and car...
Payment of your taxes
Payment of your salary
Make sure you pay yourself an amount to cover your loan, but also your daily expenses, holidays, hobbies...
Payment of your pension
No, you don't want to have to work until age 100 because you didn't charge enough when you were 30.
The House of Brands
Discover the benefits of finding all your favorites in one place. The House of Brands has a wide range of top brands and products that offer solutions to create durable and customised shoeings.
Originals in their market segment that continue to invest in innovative and high quality product development.